Archive | October 2013

You’re more than a donut hole….

I can’t help but agree with this which is why I had to share. Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Married people in successful relationships and folk with the gift of singleness (those who don’t need relationships like apostle Paul) tend to be Judgmental or non-empathetic towards people like me. (Single man needing a wife or a woman needing a husband) yes I said needing! I hear it all, “you’re like a doughnut and need to fill your center with Jesus“, (PLEASE) then I ask what if you’re a donut hole? (Like a Dunkin munchkin) and they say, “you need to get bigger with Jesus on the outside. You need to fast more, you need to go to church more, you need to pray more, you need to read your Bible more, you need to eat more roughage,” I hear it all. 

They’re almost arrogant in their statement when they say “LONG AS YOU GOT KANG JESUS YOU DON’T NEED NOBODY ELSE.” Okay let’s just say you’re right, my question is why didn’t God say that same thing to Adam in the garden? Adam, why you tripping I’m right here, you don’t need nobody else I’m all you need, feel your center with Me! Now I hear the Bible scholars say well he needed Adam and Eve together to be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth. I don’t agree because God could’ve made 7 billion people at the same time within six seconds and placed them strategically all over the earth.

The truth is God did it this way for a reason. He took Eve from Adam’s side for a reason, and placed inside of Adam a love for Eve like no other and vice versa. (We’ll get into that on another post.) God is love and with in Himself lies the most intense and greatest of all intimacies and He just wanted to share it as a gift to the human race. That’s why falling in love/choosing to be in love, a deep soul intimate connection and sexual intimacy feel so good because it’s God’s gift we’ve just perverted and distorted it.

Although there’s a joyous side of love there’s also pain, heartache, tears and confusion, but I still try. Now I understand the “you need to be whole” conversation but I still believe that two people touching and agreeing can bring God into their circumstance and let him be the ultimate healer. So for all you perfect people out there that don’t need what I need, pray for me. And for all you single people out there like me that want to be in love, keep believing in true love because it does exist, and when you find it love and appreciate it like it’s your last day on earth. Let’s trust God together.


Post courtesy of The Real Fred Hammond’s Facebook page.