Tag Archive | Encouragement

His Plan Will Stand

You Are Closer Than You ThinkTODAY’S SCRIPTURE

“There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the LORD’s counsel — that will stand.”  (Proverbs 19:21, NKJV)

 TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

God is strategic. He has laid out an exact plan for our lives right down to the smallest details. He knows the people you need to meet in order to fulfill your destiny. He knows who is going to give you a good break and who is going to put in a good word for you. He knows when someone is going to need to be there to help you out of a difficult time. God has it all figured out. He is not vague or approximate. He is orchestrating your life right down to the very second, causing you to be at the right place at the right time so you can meet the right people that He has ordained before the foundation of the world.

You probably can look over your life and see how, time after time, God directed your steps to the exact moment. If you had been ten seconds earlier or ten seconds later, things would have played out differently. That’s God orchestrating His plan. That’s God ordering your steps. All you have to do is stay faithful to Him and follow His leading because in the end, His plan will stand!


Father, thank You for orchestrating my life. I trust that my times are in Your hands. I trust that You are working things out for my good as I keep my faith and hope in You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Joel & Victoria Osteen

I am fearfully and wonderfully made….

The Enemy’s Strategy

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” -Psalm 139:14

This morning I was having a rough start getting out of bed. My paralysis was giving me fits. I shook my head and growled, “This body is a pain… I hate it!”

Body_ProblemsWhy was that so awful? Because the Enemy has a deep hatred of my flesh and blood and all I was doing was agreeing with him. He gets a charge when I bad-mouth my body. And he would like to get you to do the same.

Why? Because your body, even underneath wrinkles or fat, and despite the ravages of illness or old age, is made in the image of God. Your heart, mind, hands, and feet are stamped with the imprint of the Creator. Little wonder that the Devil wants you to be ashamed of your body!

This morning I had, once again, to plug my ears against the lies of the Tempter and remember that I am “fearfully and wonderfully made.” I rehearsed the old, familiar truth that God has a plan for this flesh and blood of mine. That’s why the Devil considers my body a threat—he understands that when I yield to God my body, albeit paralyzed, my feet and hands are powerful weapons against his forces of darkness.

The devil is only a fallen angel. He is a deceiver. He is doomed for destruction. And until then, he has one goal in mind: your spiritual defeat, emotional malignment, and physical frustration. If he tries to get you to agree with him today… don’t.

I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, O Lord.

Devotional shared by Joni and Friends International Disability Center

Sharing Scripture Meditation

Scripture Meditation

Sometimes there’s nothing like the word of God to help us make it through our day so today I’m asking for you to simply share with us any scripture that has and/or does touch you.  Maybe it’s something that will help someone else as well.

Thank you & have a blessed day!

A scripture that I enjoy:

Philippians 4:8-9 (NLT)

8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.

How to Feed a Possum

Daily Encouraging Word

† How to Feed a Possum †

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26 NIV

Painstakingly I hand rubbed four chicken breasts with olive oil, seasoned them carefully, pre-heated the grill to first sear them, and then slow cooked them over the flame, turning them back and forth until they were golden brown. After this, I placed my culinary creation on a plate, but as I opened the door three of them fell on the porch!

I was not to happy about this, but I took the three that I dropped out to the edge of the woods by our home and we split the last one between us. The next morning they were all gone. An opossum and a stray dog had enjoyed a feast together. God gave them a banquet, and He had me prepare it for them, gourmet style.

God takes care of the entire universe. If He will take care of a possum and a stray dog how much more will He take care of you? God sees where you are today and you are not hidden from Him. He just might be preparing something good for you.

Jesus loves you so much that He traded His life for yours! 🙂

Peace Be With You

Help Me Get Up

Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Gal 6:1 NIV

When a shark is injured in the wild their friends may turn and devour them. This is the way that sharks behave when there is blood in the water. Often as Christians when one of us falls, the pack turns on them and starts ripping them to shreds by gossip.

Face it, we have all fallen short in the sin area, and it only takes one sin to be guilty of the whole law. Without the forgiveness provided through the Lord Jesus we are all lost. Most of the time people do not need you to tell them that they have fallen, they already know that better than you. They need you to help them back up.

If you know someone today that has fallen, be kind. If the Lord has already forgiven them, who are we to point at their past. Gently encourage them, and help them get up.

Encouragement When All Is Gone

David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. – 1 Samuel 30:6, KJV

There may come a time in your life when you find that all that you hold valuable is gone. Your job, your spouse, your children, your home—everything you truly loved and held dear is gone. To compound the problem, you also find that the individuals you thought you could count on have not and will not come to your aid. People that you trusted, loved, looked out for, and even blessed are too often the first to align themselves against you when you need them most. When you need an encouraging word, when you desire some level of human assurance, people you thought you could count on may be the first to withhold the very thing you need to help turn your situation around.

I pray that you never find yourself in this predicament. However, if you do, remember that you are not necessarily in your situation because you were disobedient. The spiritual fact is that evil tests and puts the most pressure on the most worthy souls. No one has been greatly used of God who did not experience the great fires of adversity. If you are there, it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with your level of anointing. No one was more anointed than Jesus, but He found Himself in the midst of adversity.

Sometimes there will be no one to encourage you. Every now and then you must take it upon yourself to independently lift your own spirit. You are going to have to encourage yourself.

The only way to do this is to focus upon and have trust in God’s Word. Find out what God has to say in His Word about your situation. If God said it, that settles it. You can count on Him to do all that He has said. Do all that you can do. Make a commitment to the application of His Word in your situation. Encourage yourself with the truth of God’s love for you, His commitment to bless you, and the reality that He cannot lie.



Excerpt from 100 Days of Inspiration

book image

Written BY: Anthony Collins

Anthony has been successful for over 30 years, holding executive level positions with Fortune 100 companies. He has overcome tragedies, addictions, disasters and close calls. He writes to help others see and accomplish what it has taken him decades to understand. You can purchase this book at 100 Days of Inspiration or visit his website at Tony Ministries.