Tag Archive | Devil

Christian Life Is A Battleground

Greg Laurie Daily





At Every Turn

Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. ~ Ephesians 6:17

During the Korean War, a unit known as Baker Company was separated from the regiment, and enemy forces were advancing on them. For several hours, no word came from Baker Company. Finally, radio contact was made, and when asked for a report of their situation, Baker Company replied, “The enemy is to the east of us. The enemy is to the west of us. The enemy is to the south of us. The enemy is to the north of us.” Then, after a brief pause, a voice continued, “And this time, we’re not going to let them escape.”

It seems that way in the life of the believer. The Enemy is at every turn. Yet some Christians don’t realize that the Christian life is not a playground but a battleground. They are oblivious to the fact that a war is raging. And in this war, they are either winning or losing.

In a battle, it’s always better to be an aggressor instead of a defender because the defender is simply waiting for the enemy’s next attack, hoping he will survive. If we, as believers, are always defending, then the Devil is in the superior position. But if we are attacking, then we are in the superior position. When the apostle Paul wrote about the armor of God in Ephesians 6, he mentioned one offensive weapon: “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (verse 17, NLT).

Make no mistake about it: there is authority and power in the Word of God. God’s Word sticks. God’s Word breaks through. God’s Word impacts. When the Enemy has you surrounded, keep him on the defensive with the Word of God.

Scripture Meditation

Scripture Meditation“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” (Proverbs 14:12)

Self-deception is the worst kind of dishonesty because it is so convincing.  Subtly it convenes our mind and emotions to ally around a lie. When great things happen in our life we may give ourselves the praise instead of God when He is really the one who defines success. We allow the Devil to use our thoughts and insecurities to create deceptions and doubts in our minds. Then we wander down a prayerless path, forged in our own strength, only to discover we missed God’s best by a mile.

“I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths” (Proverbs 4:11).

Self-deceivers are self-destroyers; so avoid self-delusion by being accountable. Give others permission to ask you uncomfortable, even hard, questions. Better to be embarrassed sooner than humiliated later. Humility invites the inspection of loving friends into our lives. You do much better when others provide loving accountability.

“The pride of your heart has deceived you” (Obadiah 1:3).

We can talk ourselves into anything, especially as it relates to money. I can easily justify a new house, car, kitchen, furniture, floors, or grill. But do I really need to upgrade or just repair what I have? How can the Lord trust me with something newer if I have not been a good steward of what He has already given me? Trustworthy people can be trusted with more, but the untrustworthy lose opportunities. Thus manage well your present possessions.

“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out. But I, God, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be” (Jeremiah 17:9 msg).



Father, I come before You, just as I am, to praise you and to give you thanks, for you truly are the Creator of heaven and earth.

I beg of You in the Name of Jesus, to enlighten my mind, to see those things you would have me see, and to strengthen my will, to do those things you would have me do.

Give to each of us here a deeper vision of your plan; help us to walk in your presence today and to be attentive to your Holy Spirit.  I ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen!


You should be. There are things in the darkness that desire to kill you. Darkness overshadows the light and drains the life out of its subjects. You may have heard that heaven and God is full of light. The reason for this is simple. Light gives give life. Light gives vision. Light gives direction.

Hell is full of darkness. Hell impedes vision. Hell creates confusion. Hell is in direct opposition to light. Hell is for those who love darkness.

Before you run from this blog understand that darkness has power and the fear of the Lord is wisdom. I said, what may seem strange to some that one should be afraid of the dark and you may say, but the Bible says fear not.

Unfounded fear should never be a Christian’s disposition.  Unfounded fear is fear that God will abandon and forsake you. Unfounded fear is man’s ability to separate you from God. Unfounded fear is the devils ability to overcome the Holy Spirit.

Founded fear should be a Christian’s disposition. Fearing God’s ability to cast your soul into hell. Fearing God’s wrath to those who disobey and curse him in unbelief and action. Fearing God is just plain smart. He alone has the ability to save you.


You’ve been warned…

You’ve been loved…


Post shared via  Roger Tharpe